Subscription Event Structure
Subscription Event
Property Name | Description |
event* (required) | "event": "subscription" value should be in small case. (Like 'order' NOT 'ORDER') |
properties* (required) | "properties": { "orderId": "1234" "amount": 100.25 "status": "pending" } Required properties All properties related to order should be present inside properties, You be sent your custom event properties here too. |
user_properties* (required) | "user_properties": { "uid": '123456' //require properties, unique id of customer. "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "123-456-7890" } All properties related to customer should be present inside userProperties, You be sent your custom user properties here too. |
time* (required) | "time": { sentAt: 1629131492259 } sentAt : The date and time when the event was sent. |
appClientId* (required) | "appClientId": "API_KEY" Unique id represent the source in Richpanel. Change for each website, can be found in Richpanel app. |
Subscription Properties
Property Name | Description |
orderId* (required) | "orderId": "1234" Unique id of order. |
orderDbKey (required) | "orderDbKey": 876541234 If the order has a different database id, it must be provided here or can be kept the same as orderId . We use this to create a link to the order management portal. |
amount* (required) | "amount": 100.25 Total amount of the order. |
start | "2025-01-05T17:28:18+00:00" The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the subscription started |
end | "2025-01-05T17:28:18+00:00" The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the subscription ends. Leave it empty if it is unknown |
nextPayment | "2025-01-05T17:28:18+00:00" The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the next payment happens for the subscription |
lastPayment | "2025-01-05T17:28:18+00:00" The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the last payment happens for the subscription. Leave it empty if it is unknown |
trialEnd | "2025-01-05T17:28:18+00:00" The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the trial ends for the subscription. Leave it empty if it is unknown |
createdAt | "createdAt": "2025-01-05T17:28:18+00:00" The date and time (ISO 8601 format) when the subscription was created. |
status | "status": "active" Example: active, expired, cancelled, paused or any custom text. Something that suits your system. |
shippingPhone shippingEmail shippingFirstName shippingLastName shippingAddressLine1 shippingAddressLine2 shippingCity shippingState shippingCountry shippingPostcode | All string properties, and optional shippingPhone: The phone number at the shipping address. shippingEmail: The Email at the shipping address. shippingFirstName: The first name of the person associated with the shipping address. shippingLastName: The last name of the person associated with the shipping address. shippingAddressLine1: The street address of the shipping address. shippingAddressLine2: An optional additional field for the street address of the shipping address. shippingCity: The city, town, or village of the shipping address. shippingState: The name of the region (for example, province, state, or prefecture) of the shipping address. shippingCountry: The name of the country of the shipping address. shippingPostcode: The postal code (for example, zip, postcode, or Eircode) of the shipping address. |
items* (required) | "items": [{ "id": "2493989519418", "price": 49.99, "optionId": "31858336956474", "sku": "A31SSUJZ99COMTL1", "name": "My Product - L", "grams": 454, "quantity": 1, }] id: The ID of the product. price: Price for single quantity of the variant product. quantity:The number of items that were purchased. optionId: The ID of the product variant. sku: The item's SKU (stock keeping unit). name: The name of the product variant. grams: The weight of the item in grams. |
User Properties Object (user_properties)
event: "subscription",
properties: {},
userProperties: {} // User Properties
Property Name | Description |
uid* (required) | Unique Id of the user. |
phone | Phone number of the user. |
Email address of the user. | |
firstName | First name of the user |
lastName | Last name of the user. |
billingAddress | "billingAddress": { "firstName": "Shubhanshu", "lastName": "Chouhan", "city": "LOCKPORT", "state": "Illinois", "stateCode": "IL", "country": "United States", "countryCode": "US", "postcode": "60441", "phone": null, "address1": "201B, lotus chs", "address2": "", "company": "" }, Billing details of the customer. |
shippingAddress | "shippingAddress": { "firstName": "Shubhanshu", "lastName": "Chouhan", "city": "LOCKPORT", "state": "Illinois", "stateCode": "IL", "country": "United States", "countryCode": "US", "postcode": "60441", "phone": null, "address1": "201B, lotus chs", "address2": "", "email": "[email protected]" }, Shipping details of the user. |
Custom Properties | Any other properties which belong's to user. |
Sample Order Event
"event": "subscription",
"properties": {
"orderId": "11111",
"email": "[email protected]",
"amount": 169.97, //required
"start": "2025-01-05T17:28:18+00:00",
"trialEnd": "2025-01-05T17:28:18+00:00", //leave it empty if not available
"nextPayment": "2025-01-05T17:28:18+00:00",
"lastPayment": "2025-01-05T17:28:18+00:00", //leave it empty if not available
"end": "2025-02-05T17:28:18+00:00", //leave it empty if not available
"shippingPhone": null,
"shippingCity": "LOCKPORT",
"shippingPostcode": "60441",
"shippingState": "Illinois",
"shippingCountry": "United States",
"shippingAddressLine1": "201B, lotus CHS",
"shippingAddressLine2": "",
"shippingFirstName": "Shubhanshu",
"shippingLastName": "Chouhan",
"status": "active",
"items": [{ //required
"id": "2493989519418",
"price": 49.99, //required
"optionId": "31858336956474",
"sku": "A31SSUJZ99COMTL1",
"name": "My Product - L",
"grams": 454,
"quantity": 1, //required
"imageURL": [
"id": "4586759913530",
"price": 49.99,
"optionId": "32132068311098",
"sku": "A31SSUGI85ODGDM1",
"name": "My Product - M",
"grams": 454,
"quantity": 1,
"imageURL": [
"user_properties": { //required
"uid": "[email protected]", //required, Customer user id in database
"phone": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"firstName": "Shubhanshu",
"lastName": "Chouhan",
"billingAddress": {
"firstName": "Shubhanshu",
"lastName": "Chouhan",
"city": "LOCKPORT",
"state": "Illinois",
"stateCode": "IL",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"postcode": "60441",
"phone": null,
"address1": "201B, lotus chs",
"address2": "",
"company": ""
"shippingAddress": {
"firstName": "Shubhanshu",
"lastName": "Chouhan",
"city": "LOCKPORT",
"state": "Illinois",
"stateCode": "IL",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "US",
"postcode": "60441",
"phone": null,
"address1": "201B, lotus chs",
"address2": "",
"email": "[email protected]"
"time": {
"sentAt": "2025-01-05T17:28:18+00:00" //when event occurred, use this property in case you're updating old orders, or synchronizing old orders
"appClientId": "API_KEY" //change for each website, can be found in Richpanel app.
API Reference:
- Make sure to follow the proper format
- Don't send empty values.
Updated about 1 month ago