Richpanel Event Details

Sample Event

richpanel.track("Event", {
    property1: "Value1", 
    property2: "Value2"
  • Syntax : richpanel.track(Event, Properties, UserProperties, Time)
  • Required
    • Event - String
  • Optional
    • Properties - Object
    • UserProperties - Object
    • Time - String

Web Events

  • Page View
const event = 'view_product'
const properties = {
    "id": 407,
    "price": "19",
    "url": "",
    "sku": "",
    "name": "Omega Cure Extra Strength",
    "image_url": [
    "categories": [
            "id": 232,
            "name": "Omega Cure",
            "parent": [
                    "id": 252,
                    "name": "Products"
richpanel.track(event, properties)
  • Identify
const userId = 'manojuid'
const properties = {
    "firstName": "Manoj",
    "lastName": "Patitapthi",
    "city": "Manoj City",
    "country": "Manoj Country",
    "facebook": "manojfacebook",
    "googleplus": "manojgoogle",
    "instagram": "manojinsta",
    "linkedin": "manojlinkedin",
    "medium": "manojmedium",
    "phone": 9977090122,
    "uid": "manojuid",
	"email": "[email protected]",
	"billingAddress": {
		"email": "[email protected]",
		"firstName": "Manoj",
		"city": "harlin"
richpanel.identify(userId, properties)

Custom Attributes

Other event

All events can accept custom attributes in properties object. Richpanel will only process them if those properties are mentioned in Richpanel Event Data.

Order Attributes (Deprecated)

Other than properties defined above, Richpanel can also track custom properties sent along with order event which will appear automatically along with order. All custom properties must have a prefix custom_

Attribute Glossary

  1. User Properties
    • Description - JSON Object containing user specific properties provided by system. Should only available when user is logged in.
    • Format - Object
    • Possible Child Keys
      • uid - String
      • [email] - String
      • [city] - String
        • [state] - String
        • [country] - String
        • [phone] - String
        • [createdAt] - Number (Epoch Time)
      • [name] - String
      • [firstName] - String
      • [lastName] - String
      • [facebook] - String
      • [twitter] - String
      • [linkedin] - String
      • [instagram] - String
      • [pinterest] - String
      • [tumblr] - String
      • [googleplus] - String
      • [billingAddress] - Object
      • [shippingAddress] - Object
  2. Billing Address
    • Description - JSON Object containing user's billing address
    • Format - Object
    • Possible Child Keys
      • [firstName] - String
      • [lastName] - String
      • [city] - String
      • [state] - String
      • [country] - String
      • [email] - String
      • [postcode] - String
      • [phone] - String
      • [address1] - String
      • [address2] - String
  3. Shipping Address
    • Property Key - shipping_address
    • Description - JSON Object containing user's shipping address
    • Format - Object
    • Possible Child Keys
      • [firstName] - String
      • [lastName] - String
      • [city] - String
      • [state] - String
      • [country] - String
      • [email] - String
      • [postcode] - String
      • [phone] - String
      • [address1] - String
      • [address2] - String
  4. Time
    • Description - Event time, if not set system will assume current time as event time.
    • Format - Integer

Property Mapping & Custom Properties

Follow this document to know more about properties.